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About ALC

Art Love Charity achieves charity through art - be it photography, painting, eco-fashion design, or other variations.

In an age where people are fazed by technology and conflict,

ALC highlights the importance of empathy and art - an universal language that transcends barriers of race, age, and wealth.


For young artists, whose brilliant works - often stored in garages and computers - are left unseen due to yet-unheard names,

ALC provides opportunities for them to present their talents with admirable purpose, and teach them the benevolence that they can already achieve with art.


For volunteers, ALC instills skills ranging beyond leadership, creativity, and communication.  We also teach the importance of giving back to the community. During our expeditions, volunteers will often observe otherwise unseen sides of society, involving the global concerns of orphanage and growing homelessness. We encourage them understand and analyze these truths, and mature from these activities. In addition to helping through donations, ALC strives to make the voices and situations of the needy heard and seen, through moments captured by words and art of our wonderful volunteers. 


Art Love Charity

- Charity with Art and Love -

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Change a life



Art Love Charity Inc © 2019 

 |   EIN: 81-4487913 

 |   Entity C3960767

To support Art Love Charity's cause and the needy, you can donate directly through or browse the SHOP.

Within five business days, you'll receive an official tax-compliant donation receipt - usable for tax deduction - through email.

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